Our mission is humanitarian

We are a volunteer search and rescue group. Our mission is humanitarian in nature with the main purpose of saving lives. We are based out of San Diego area and concentrate our efforts in the regions of the border between Mexico and the United States.

Many people have lost their lives in these desert regions, some because of extreme temperatures or because they lack somethings as simple as a drink of water.

Routinely, we go into the mountains and desert regions to leave water, food and other items along paths, where it might save the life of someone, who would otherwise die without it. At other time, we go into these regions to search for people who have been reported lost or have been left behind because they can no longer continue to move in their own.

For individuals such as this, emergency help is the only thing that can save their life. However, many times we have to go into the mountain or desert regions to help recover bodies of those individuals who have sadly lost their life trying to reach the american dream.

Our main purpose of saving lives.

Our mission is humanitarian in nature with the main purpose of saving lives.


Rafael Larraenza Hernandez
Founder and Director
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 619-773-3688

Monica Larraenza
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 619-773-3688

We like to say thank you in advance. Your donations make our volunteer work possible.